Please note the following general class policies:
This class is taught as a "flipped" class. I have recorded a series of lectures introducing modeling theory, underlying equations, details about MODFLOW, etc. The videos for these lectures are linked on the class schedule (see the "link" text next to lecture topics on the left). The videos are hosted on YouTube. You can watch them at your convenience. Some days we will doing exercises and not introducing any new material, so there won't be any lectures listed on these days. But for each day there is a video, there will also be a pre-class quiz. The first question will be "Did you watch the video?" There will also be a few simple questions that you can answer pretty easily if you have watched the video. Finally the last question will be a free response asking if any of the video topics are not clear.
When we meet in class, we will review parts of the video that needs more explanation, answer questions, and have a short discussion on the topic. Then we will work on in-class exercises related to the topic. As a result, some classes will be short and some will be longer, depending on the exercises. The goal is to allow you to review the main content at your convenience, reinforce where needed, and learn by doing hands-on work.
You will be allowed to drop two quiz scores.There will be no makeup quizzes.
Homework will be due at midnight on the day it is due. All homework will be submitted electronically by logging into your student accounts. Late homework should be reduced 10% each day that it is late (not including Saturdays and Sundays) up until a maximum late penalty of 50%. Any homework assignment turned in prior to the last day of class is worth at least 50%. Late penalties may be waived under extreme circumstances. Simply forgetting to upload your completed assignment is not an extreme circumstance, so please don't ask.
No late homework will be accepted after midnight on the last day of the semester (first day prior to reading days).
I encourage you to work together on the homework as long as everyone is contributing and learning. You may not simply copy one another's work. You may not copy old homework. You must understand the lectures and the homework in order to perform well on the exams.
There will be two midterm exams and a final exam. The final exam will be comprehensive. All exams will be given online. Each exam will have a time limit (typically 1-3 hours, depending on the exam). The penalty for going over the time limit is two points per minute. There will be no make-up exams. If you are unable to take an exam at the scheduled time because of extreme circumstances beyond your control, visit with me and we will arrange something.
Exams will be delivered online using Learning Suite and Proctorio.