GMS Software

The main software we will be using this semester is the Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) and MODFLOW. GMS was originally developed here at BYU under the direction of **Yours Truly** and is now developed, maintained, and distributed by a local company called Aquaveo LLC. MODFLOW is a free and open source groundwater modeling code developed by the United States Geological Survey. To run MODFLOW, you prepare a series of text input files describing your model geometry, boundary conditions, input parameters, etc. MODFLOW reads these files and generates a set of output files. GMS is a pre- and post-processor for MODFLOW. It greatly simplifiies and automated the preparation of the MODFLOW input files, launches MODFLOW, and reads and displays the resulting output files.

GMS is available on most of the CAEDM computers. In some labs it runs via a Citrix client, but in room 234 CB, it is installed directly on the local machines and runs very efficiently. If you are on campus, this is a convenient way to access the software. However, there are several options you can use to access GMS off-campus.

Installation on Your Personal Computer/Laptop

If you have a Windows-based desktop or laptop computer, your best solution is to install your own version of GMS. To do so, download the latest version here: (click on the GMS tab)

After installing, you will be prompted to enter a registration code. I will email a code to the entire class that you can use. You will also be able to find the code in the announcements section in Learning Suite.


CAEDM provides a system for remotely connecting to CAEDM machines called Remote Graphics Software (RGS). This is similar to Citrix, but is especially useful for graphics-intensive software. In my experience, it seems to work better than Citrix. This will allow you to run GMS remotely. Download and installation instructions here:

RGS works on both Windows and Mac platforms.

CAEDM LabConnect

LabConnect is similar to RGS, but instead of connecting to virtual machine running on a CAEDM server, you are connecting directly to an unused computer in one of the CAEDM labs.

Once again, it will allow you to connect from both Windows and Mac platforms.