Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, you should:
- Be able to apply Darcy's law to solve basic problems related to flow through porous media.
- Understand the governing equations for 2D and 3D groundwater flow, including what simplifying assumptions are used in the derivation of the equations.
- Be able to develop conceptual models of groundwater flow systems, including properly formulated boundary conditions.
- Understand the basic structure and organization of the MODFLOW model.
- Be able to select the appropriate MODFLOW packages for a particular problem and develop the package input.
- Understand issues related to MODFLOW solvers and be able to solve common instability issues.
- Be able to apply GIS data to develop regional groundwater simulations with MODFLOW.
- Be able to calibrate groundwater models using both manual approaches and automated tools such as the PEST code.
- Be able to analyze flow directions using particle tracking.
- Be able to peform stochastic simulations and analyze uncertainty.
- Be able to perform transient simulations.
- Be able to do basic groundwater analysis tasks in ArcGIS.